Making: An Inspiring Presentation by Melanie Falick

Hi Everyone,

Need a little inspiration today?

Us, too.

If you're looking for about an hour of positive distraction, please give this talk a listen.

If you don't know her already, this piece will introduce you to Melanie Falick and her prolific and influential creative career (craft book author, magazine editor, publisher, podcaster!). She speaks at length about her philosophy on making and its hugely positive effect on our lives.

Her most recent book is "Making a Life: Working By Hand and Discovering the Life You Were Meant to Live". 


Stay safe, healthy and sane. And keep on knitting.


Knit House

1 comment

  • I have her book and have found such encouragement in reading about makers, how crafting enhances our lives, and that it has value. I’m also enjoying her other YouTube videos on makers. Thanks for sharing this video.


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