Knitting Us Together

Hi Everyone,

You may have read about the local community knitting project called "Knitting Us Together".

The Mill Valley Arts Commission and Kiddo! (the Mill Valley School District's fundraising organization) are working together to inspire those of us who live in the area to come together to knit (or crochet) an installation in Mill Valley's downtown plaza.

All that's asked for is a 12" square of knitting or crochet work. The squares will be magically stitched together and used to yarn "bomb" the trees in the square (examples below).

One of our very talented customers is already on the job. She and her daughter have been steadily working on reducing their stash - to our community's benefit!

We know you have extra yarn hanging around from your last project, so join in the fun! 


Knit House

1 comment

  • Are you yarn bombing this year?

    Christine Sleight

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