Knit Stars

Hi Everyone,

I hope I am not the last person to find out about this series, but I'm sharing it anyway, just in case there's someone out there who hasn't heard of it.

Knit Stars is a site that hosts a collection of very informative and inspiring videos from some of the greatest knitterati of our time. There are several seasons and each costs about $200.00. A little pricey, yes, but the content is excellent and, once purchased, you have access to these videos and their corresponding patterns for all time. 

Hannah Fettig, Stephen West, Amy Small, Susan B. Anderson and many more have all contributed instructional videos to this site.

For instance, I just watched a "Quick Stars Short Course" from Julie Weisenberger on her English Tailoring technique for sweater construction. I've always wanted to know what all the fuss is about and now I'm in the cool group! I think it will take a bit of practice to master these techniques, but I'm inspired to give them a try.

For more info, check out the Knit Stars TED talk by Shelley Brander.

Let us know what you think!


Knit House




1 comment

  • Firstly, I also had some trepidation about these courses but I boldly went ahead and bought one season. It turned out to be a great purchase and I’ve revisited my session a number of times. Secondly I made a sweater using the Cocoknits method by Julie Weisenberger and it really does fit well especially in the shoulder area. You can do it Julie!


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