Do You Swatch?

Hi Everyone,

Although we're skipping our weekly newsletter this week, our Instagram and blog are still going strong.

Today, we are thinking about swatching.

Do you swatch or do you just wing it? While we can't heartily recommend the winging it option (unless you're knitting an accessory such as a scarf...), we get it. It's irresistible - the pull to dive in to a new project.

Anyway, our responsible selves encourage you to swatch.

We do.

For every single yarn we carry in the shop.

All are labeled and are displayed near their yarns.

A helpful tip to know about our swatches:

We make holes (eyelets) in the lower right-hand corner of each swatch. The holes correspond to the size needle we used for the swatch. 4 holes = size #4 needle.

We always use the smallest size needle that is recommended on the yarn ball band. 

This information will help you figure out what needle to use (or at least which size to start with) and what possible gauge you can expect.

A swatch is also a great way to see how a yarn knits up. Do you like the drape? Is the stitch definition what you were expecting? It's also informative for variegated fibers - how do all those colors actually play out?

Anyway, enjoy our swatches and enjoy making your own!


Knit House


1 comment

  • Although I just want to dive in and knit right away, I find as I knit more that swatching does help!


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